KENTE - Cape Coast Journal of Literature and the Arts: Announcements <p style="text-align: justify;">Kente: Cape Coast Journal of Literature and the Arts is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Department of English, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.</p> en-US Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:04:06 +0000 OJS 60 Call for Papers: Call for papers <p><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS</strong></p> <p><em>KENTE: The Cape Coast Journal of Literature and the Arts</em> (CCJLA), founded by the Department of English at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, is a bi-annual peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal. For its Volume 3 (June, 2022) edition, the journal is inviting submissions that include critical analysis, theoretical models, and literature reviews in the following topic areas: Reimagining Borders in Postcolonial Migratory Narratives, Contemporary African Literature and the Environmental Imagination and Rethinking Traumas in a Covid 19 Era. Articles focusing on other relevant thematic perspectives are also strongly encouraged and expected.</p> <p><strong><u>Submission Guidelines</u></strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Length</strong>: Articles should not exceed 8000 words.</li> <li><strong>Format:</strong> Articles should be double spaced throughout. Use the same typeface and size throughout the article. Italics are preferred to underlines for titles of books.</li> <li><strong>Style</strong>: UK or US spellings, but be consistent. Direct quotations should retain the spelling used in the original source. Check the accuracy of your citations and always give the source, date, and page number in the text and a full reference in the works cited at the end of the article. Italicize titles of books or plays. Use single inverted commas throughout except for quotations within quotations which are double. Avoid subtitles or subsection headings within the text.</li> <li><strong>References</strong>: All references/works cited should be listed in full at the end of the article. The MLA style is preferred.</li> <li><strong>Articles should be sent through the journal’s platform @ </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li>Thank you.</li> </ul> Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:04:06 +0000