Impact of Sea Erosion on Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development in Ghana. The Case of Saltpond Beach Resorts.


  • Eric Kojo Wu Aikins Department of Geog. and Reg. Plg., University of Cape Coast



Climate Change; Sea Erosion, Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development; Urban Beach Resort; Integrated Coastal Development Planning.


Sea erosion forms one of the major negative impacts of climate change on sustainable coastal tourism development worldwide. Generally, this negative impact is more pronounced in developing countries where available beach resorts are struggling to persist.

Principally, the challenge of operating a successful coastal beach resort in Ghana is aggravated by unexpected destruction of beach resort facilities by sea erosion that leave some affected facilities unsafe for public use (e.g. Saltpond @ the Beach resort along Saltpond coast). 

Based on the experiences of Saltpond beach resorts, the study analysed the impact of sea erosion on sustainable urban coastal tourism development in Ghana. Mainly, the study found that climate change and human induced factors contribute to the persistent sea erosion along the coast of Saltpond. Finally, the study recommended the implementation of three principal sea erosion mitigation strategies; Integrated Coastal Development Planning, Building of Sea Defence Wall, and Combined Mitigation Measures.


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How to Cite

Aikins, E. K. W. (2024). Impact of Sea Erosion on Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development in Ghana. The Case of Saltpond Beach Resorts. African Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 4(2), 52–73.