Comparision of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude of nursing and college of education students in Kumasi

Comparision of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude of nursing and college of education students in Kumasi


  • Owusu, Eric Department of Science Education, St. Joseph's College of Education P. O. Box 15, Bechem – Brong Ahafo, Ghana



HIV/AIDS, knowledge, attitude, comparison, nurses and teachers in training


The purpose of the study was to compare HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes of nurses and teachers in training. A questionnaire was administered to a cross section of 200 nurses and teachers in training at Kumasi. Respondents were asked to provide information on HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes. The data obtained were presented and analysed using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 16.0. Study results indicated that the majority of the respondents had a high level of HIV/AIDS knowledge, acceptance and positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS issues and patients. Nurses in training had higher HIV/AIDS mean knowledge score ((x=14.55) than teachers in training (x= 14.23). However, independent samples t-test analysis showed insignificant difference between knowledge scores of nurses and teachers in training (t (198=.95, significance level=0.05, sig. (2-tailed)=.33). Also, the nurses in training had higher HIV/AIDS mean attitude score (x= 14.54) than teachers in training (x=14.34). However, independent sample t-test showed insignificant difference between attitude scores of nurses and teachers in training (t (198) =.60, significance level = 0.05, sig (2-tailed) =.54). There was no statistically significant bivariate correlation between knowledge and attitude scores of respondents (r(198)=0.01, significance level=0.05,sig.(2-tailed)=.89). The study recommends that future HIV/AIDS prevention strategies and campaigns in schools and colleges should focus not only on HIV/AIDS knowledge but also on developing and maintaining safe sexual behavior and positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS issues and patients.


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How to Cite

Owusu, E. (2012). Comparision of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude of nursing and college of education students in Kumasi: Comparision of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude of nursing and college of education students in Kumasi. Ghana Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (GJOHPERSD), 5(1), 10–22.