Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Life Insurance Post-COVID-19 in Ghana
A Study of Private Basic School Teachers in the Cape Coast Metropolis
Consumer buying, COVID-19, Financial, Insurance industry, Life Insurance Policy, TeachersAbstract
The current study explores consumer buying behaviour towards life insurance among private basic school teachers in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana, focusing on the post-COVID-19 landscape. Utilizing a descriptive survey design, data were gathered through a five-point Likert-type scale questionnaire and analyzed using various statistical methods, including frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Using a population of 224 private school teachers, the results indicated that teachers primarily opt for life, hospital, and education support plans, signifying an aspiration to secure their future and further their education. The study underscores the imperative for financial resilience post-COVID-19 to protect the emerging middle class from reverting to poverty. Although teachers employ strategic coping mechanisms during the pandemic, they expressed concerns over delayed life policy settlements, which have compounded their challenges. Recommendations include targeted engagement by insurance companies at private basic schools to elucidate the benefits of life policies, as well as the formulation of insurance packages that offer effective risk coverage and promote long-term investment, rather than merely focusing on tax benefits.
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