A critical analysis of Rwanda’s Digital skills and entrepreneurship training toward solving youth unemployment
Digital Skills, Youth Unemployment, Rwanda, Policymaking, Innovation, Multi-Stakeholder, CollaborationAbstract
This study critically examines the role of digital skills and entrepreneurship training in addressing the persistent issue of youth unemployment in Rwanda. The paper primarily anchors on the Human Capital Theory and Entrepreneurship Theory to provide a solid theoretical framework, tying together education, skill development, and entrepreneurial activity as vital drivers of productivity, job creation, and economic development. By employing a qualitative methods approach that utilises qualitative stakeholder interviews, this research evaluates the effectiveness of the various policies and programs aimed at fostering digital and entrepreneurship skills to young people in Rwanda, to promote employment. The research unveils that these programs hold significant potential in equipping the Rwandan youth with relevant skills and nurturing an innovative and entrepreneurial culture. However, it also highlights key areas requiring attention: the lack of robust follow-up mechanisms and the need for continued support post-training. It advocates for policymakers and program implementers to prioritize these aspects to maximize their initiatives' impact. The implications of this study extend beyond Rwanda's borders as countries worldwide grapple with similar challenges. Therefore, the insights gleaned from Rwanda's approach could guide other nations in leveraging digital skills and entrepreneurship training to combat youth unemployment in the digital age. It concludes by recommending future research directions, including maintaining program relevance in the ever-evolving digital landscape and instituting more effective support mechanisms for venture sustainability.
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