Baseline study on the state od school management in Ghana

Baseline study on the state od school management in Ghana


  • S. K. Atakpa Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), University of Cape Coast
  • Y. A. Ankomah University of Cape Coast



Improving the quality of management in schools has been identified as an effective strategy for improving the quality of student performance in schools. This paper presents a report on a study which sought to examine management methodology for promoting quality teaching and learning even under adverse conditions and in the face of serious resource constraints in basic schools in Ghana. The study identified ten factors that make the difference between effectively managed and ineffectively managed schools: Instructional leadership skills of the school head. time management. school vision and mission. tradition of performance. commitment and attachment to work of the school. learning environment, community value and support from the district office. school community relations and school location. The study affirms that these ten factors are key determinants of effective school management.




How to Cite

Atakpa, S. K. ., & Ankomah , Y. A. . (1998). Baseline study on the state od school management in Ghana : Baseline study on the state od school management in Ghana . Journal of Educational Management, 1(1), 1–20.