The role of the school head in financial administration in Ghana

The role of the school head in financial administration in Ghana


  • J.S.K. Owusu Department of Education, University of Cape Coast



A very crucial aspect in the head:, administration of a school is his financial management.sound financial management results in efficient utilization of resources and succeeds in raising the development of the school. Many of the heads of schools in Ghana do not, unfortunately, have the opportunity to pursue a basic course in financial administration prior to their appointment as heads. This paper attempts to discuss certain fundamental principles and practices in financial management, knowledge of which heads urgently require. The paper discusses the role of the head as School Business Manager and the efforts he has to make to obtain extra funding for his school. It raises pertinent issues that guide effective preparation of budget estimates and touches on the head's responsibilities in important fiscal control measures. It is hoped the paper will be of some benefit to heads and prospective heads of our schools in Ghana.




How to Cite

Owusu, J. . (1998). The role of the school head in financial administration in Ghana : The role of the school head in financial administration in Ghana . Journal of Educational Management, 1(1), 113–131.