Factors influencing senior staff training transfer: Evidence from the University of Cape Coast
Employee training, employee development, employee promotionAbstract
This paper examined the factors influencing employee training transfer by drawing evidence from the University of Cape Coast. The study used the explanatory research design and a cross-sectional survey strategy. Primary data were gathered from 250 respondents out of 500 trained Senior Staff (SS) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) with the aid of a questionnaire. This study adopted the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique to test the research hypotheses. This study is limited to SS in UCC, Ghana. Hence, the results may not be generalizable to other districts and sectors. The results revealed that motivation to transfer, the opportunity to transfer, supervisory support, and training design have a significant relationship with training transfer by SS in UCC. The study identified factors influencing SS training transfer, taking evidence from UCC. Human Resource Directorates/Departments can strategize to influence SS training transfer. This paper is unique because it attempts to research training transfer from a developing country's perspective. Evidence from this paper reveals a topic that is not well-researched in the Ghanaian setting. It recognizes the need to offer practical help to HRD practitioners and international consultants and provides theoretical insights to HRD scholars.
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