Customer relationship management practices and client’s satisfaction: Lessons from Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
Customer relationship management, Clients’ satisfaction, Gender, National Health Insurance Scheme, PLS-SEM, GhanaAbstract
The study sought to examine the role of gender in the relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) practices and clients’ satisfaction by drawing evidence from Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). This study used the explanatory correlational research design and gathered data from 271 clients of the NHIS. The partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was adopted to test the research hypotheses. The results revealed that the CRM practices, i.e., communication, conflict handling and commitment except trust, had a significant positive relationship with clients’ satisfaction. The findings again established that gender does not moderate the link between CRM practices and clients’ satisfaction. The current study presents useful findings, which can be utilised by managers towards the development and implementation of the CRM practices that will lead to client satisfaction. Considering that client satisfaction is commonly cited in the literature as a prerequisite for gaining customer loyalty, the results of the study are essential for the advancement of profitable relationships with clients. The findings have called for some reflections on the factors that account for client satisfaction for the services of the NHIS in Ghana. The study also helps to deepen understanding of the role gender plays in CRM practices and clients’ satisfaction link in the NHIS of Ghana.
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