Impact of training and development on job performance in higher education: The case of Security Guards in the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Employee training, job performance, employee development, security guards, university of Cape Coast, Ghana.Abstract
The general purpose of this study is to examine the effect of employee training and development on job performance of security guards in the University of Cape Coast. The paper aims at drawing the attention of the public to security challenges on campuses of public universities in Ghana, and the need to provide appropriate training programmes for security guards in the universities. The study adopted a purely quantitative approach, and was underpinned by the reinforcement theory. The descriptive and explanatory survey designs were used for the study. Data were obtained from two hundred and fifty-eight (258) security guards in the University of Cape Coast. The available data were analysed using the Structural Equation Modelling. The study revealed that development programmes for security guards in the university of Cape Coast significantly contributes to their job performance. The study however, revealed that training programmes for security guards in the university have negative relationship with their job performance. The authors advised management of the Security Section in the University of Cape Coast to continue or even improve on the existing employee development interventions so far implemented, and to take strategic steps for revamping their training methods and procedures. This paper fulfils an identified need to pay attention to the security challenges on campuses of public universities in Ghana.
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