Evaluation of Language Policy in Education in Two Speech Communities in Northern Ghana
Language policy, evaluation, speech community, education, pedagogyAbstract
The paper evaluates the implementation of language policy in education of two speech communities in Northern Ghana. The objective is 10 find out the knowledge levels of this policy and how it is implemented among different stakeholders such as teachers, educationists and school children. To achieve this, interviews and questionnaires are used to collect dataji-om these stakeholders. The paper reveals that there is a mismatch between the educational policies and implementations. It observes that LP in education recognises the importance of mother-tongue (MT) medium of instruction and bilingllal education, yet the constant flu ctuations of LP in education have hindered its successful implementation and this needs to be addressed. The study recommends that policy makers do not arbitrarily make policies that are not based on scientific or research evidence. Technocrats should be involved, thus allowing dialogue between policy makes and technocrats. It also recommends that political affiliations be put aside and afocus should be on a policy that will benefit the populace. The last recommendation is that not only should the
Government of the day have the policy of language in education but also ensure that challenges and barriers to implementation are minimized.