Teacher factors as determinants of students’ performance in economics in Ogun State, Nigeria


  • Kassim Olusanmi Ajayi University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Jimoh Wole Owoyele Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijgun, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Seyefunmi Oluwabunmilola Ogunkoya Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijgun, Ogun State, Nigeria


Teachers Qualification, Teachers Competence, Teacher Experience, Academic Achievement in Economics


Economics is one of the Social Science subjects in Nigeria. Hence, students are expected to pass the subject for them to be admitted into the Faculties of the Social Sciences and Administration il1 Nigerian Universities. However; the achievement of secondary students in Economics has not been encouraging, especially in Ogun State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined teacher-related factors as predictors of students' academic achievement in Economics in Ogun Slate, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. Six hundred students and forty teachers were selected from two local government areas in Ogun State using simple random sampling and proportionate sampling techniques. The Economics students responded to Students’ Perceived Teacher Factors Questionnaire; (1'=0.81) and Economics Achievement Test, (r=0.84) while Economics leachers responded to teachers' demographic bio-data. Two research hypotheses were tested and analysed using multiple regression analysis. Result revealed that teachers' qualification (0.14), competence (0.92) and experience (0.14) independently and jointly contributed significantly to students' academic achievement in Economics (Rl = 0. 77, F = 46. 78, p< 0.05). Based on the findings, it was recommended that government and other education service providers may improve sludents' academic achievement in Economics by employing teachers with high qualification, competence and experience.




How to Cite

Ajayi, K. O. ., Owoyele, J. W. ., & Ogunkoya, S. O. . (2020). Teacher factors as determinants of students’ performance in economics in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Development and Practice, 4(1), 85–97. Retrieved from https://journal.ucc.edu.gh/index.php/jed-p/article/view/1655